Article – Best gaming PC for 2021

Photo Credit: Lori Gunin

On the hunt for the best gaming PC? This guide to some of the best gaming desktops we’ve seen within the past year or so will hopefully help. But recommendations are complicated: In all my decades of offering buying advice, Windows desktop PC recommendations have always been among the most difficult, either because they’re mostly interchangeable (like basic stream-video-and-surf-the-web systems) or because there are infinite permutations aimed at small slices of buyers (like gaming PCs). The latter rank among one of the hardest segments, at least if you’re in the 99% for whom price matters. There are just too many choices for a PC gamer.

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Discussion Questions:

  1. Identify three key takeaways from the article. What did you find most interesting?
  2. What differentiates gaming PCs from traditional PCs?
  3. Do you think the gaming PCs in the article are worth the money? Why or why not?

Source: Lori Grunin, “”, , February 1, 2021.

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